
Showing posts from 2012


The Marriage of the Lamb

Fulfilling God's Purpose

Blessed Rest

The Fiscal Cliff and the Reign of Christ

White Robes

Worthy is the Lamb

Jesus is Knocking

Walking in the Truth

Loving God

Life Change

Our Long-suffering God

Christmas Stress

Being Holy

The Sins We Forget

Looking for a City

God's Punishment Can Be Good

Once For All

His Eyes


The Washing of Regeneration

The Truth is a Person

Be Fruitful and Multiply!

Godliness is Profitable for All Things

Why Don't We Understand All?

Ministering to the Saints

Love and Holiness

What's in a Name?

Your Daily Walk with Christ

Life is Great; Death is Better!

Dressing for Victory

The Promise of Deliverance from Bondage

The Christ Life

Weakness can be Good

Get Rich Quick

Perfecting Holiness

Compelled by Christ's Love

Victory in Jesus

The Greatest of these is Love.

Thanksgiving, Eating, and Drinking

Flee Sexual Immorality

Servants and Stewards

Unity in Christ

The Lusts of the Flesh

Present Sufferings and Future Glory

Married to Jesus


The Salvation of God

Almost and Altogether such as I Am

The Lord Stood By Him

Finishing Our Race with Joy

Increasing in Number Daily

Set Apart and Called by the Holy Spirit

Characteristics of a Healthy Church

Irresistible Wisdom

Power to be Witnesses for Jesus Christ

Read and Decide

All Truth

Joy for Your Journey

Belonging to Jesus

The Spirit Gives Life

Satisfied By Jesus

Jesus, the Living Lord and Savior

Lord, Lunatic, or Liar

Remember Lot's Wife

What Does It Take?

Where is Your Treasure?