Our Long-suffering God
If anyone has the right to be strict and even impatient, it is God. He knows all things, and He always does the right thing in revealing Himself and His will to all of us. Therefore, He could just say, "Enough is enough, I am finished dealing with them." However, He is very slow to get to that point, because He is the Long-suffering God.(II Peter 3:9) He has even delayed the Second Coming of Christ, as long as possible, so that every single person who will decide to trust Christ as Lord can be saved before the end comes. We should be so thankful that God is so patient with us.
Think about the father in the parable of the Prodigal Son. The younger son was so disrespectful, rebellious, and wasteful. However, He let him have his inheritance, as he released him to go to another country. Then, He waited for Him to return, watching for him each day. Once he returned, he was ready to rejoice and receive him with open arms. He did not scold him, but embraced him. This is a picture of our long-suffering God. He forces no one to receive Him, but He suffers long, waiting for us to come to our senses and run to Him in repentance and faith.
However, the world is getting more and more against God. One day, and it may be soon, the last person will trust Christ as Lord. Then, God will send the Lord Jesus back. There will be no more opportunities for those who had heard the gospel to receive Christ. Even the patience of the Long-suffering God runs out at some point. That is why we must be diligent to trust Him now, and to tell as many others as possible the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I John 2-4.
Think about the father in the parable of the Prodigal Son. The younger son was so disrespectful, rebellious, and wasteful. However, He let him have his inheritance, as he released him to go to another country. Then, He waited for Him to return, watching for him each day. Once he returned, he was ready to rejoice and receive him with open arms. He did not scold him, but embraced him. This is a picture of our long-suffering God. He forces no one to receive Him, but He suffers long, waiting for us to come to our senses and run to Him in repentance and faith.
However, the world is getting more and more against God. One day, and it may be soon, the last person will trust Christ as Lord. Then, God will send the Lord Jesus back. There will be no more opportunities for those who had heard the gospel to receive Christ. Even the patience of the Long-suffering God runs out at some point. That is why we must be diligent to trust Him now, and to tell as many others as possible the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I John 2-4.