Lord, Lunatic, or Liar
There are only three choices when it comes to deciding who Jesus is. He claimed many times to be the Son of God and equal to God.(Luke 22:70) Therefore, He is either the Lord, He is a lunatic, or He is a liar. There are no other choices that are reasonable.
People want to compromise on Jesus. They want to say that He was a great teacher or a prophet. A great teacher or a prophet could never lie or be self deceived. Therefore, He can't be a great teacher, since He said He is God. He could be crazy, but what lunatic ever spoke so much truth and did so many good things? It is evident that He is not a lunatic. Then, the only real option is that Jesus is Lord.
Therefore, the choice is yours. Will you confess Him to be the Lord of all and the Lord of your life? That is the question of the ages.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Luke 23-24 and John 1.
People want to compromise on Jesus. They want to say that He was a great teacher or a prophet. A great teacher or a prophet could never lie or be self deceived. Therefore, He can't be a great teacher, since He said He is God. He could be crazy, but what lunatic ever spoke so much truth and did so many good things? It is evident that He is not a lunatic. Then, the only real option is that Jesus is Lord.
Therefore, the choice is yours. Will you confess Him to be the Lord of all and the Lord of your life? That is the question of the ages.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Luke 23-24 and John 1.