The Greatest of these is Love.
Priorities are very important. Proper motivations are very important, too. God gives us His way very clearly in the Bible. He wants us to believe in Him and to have hope, but the highest priority is to live by love.(I Corinthians 13:13) Jesus said it when asked about the greatest commandment, and the Bible affirms this truth over and over.
Faith is essential to knowing the Lord Jesus in a personal way. Once we have placed our trust in Him, we have hope that is real and substantial. However, our faith should spring from a genuine love for the Lord Jesus. He loved us enough to die for us. The very least we can do is to love Him with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength. In fact, it is easy to trust Him, when we love Him that way. Then, we are to order our lives around loving others, too. If we will do those two things, everything else falls into place. Therefore, love is the greatest.
Take some time today and read what I Corinthians 13 has to say about God's kind of love. Measure your love for Him and for others by that kind of love. Then, if you are falling short, ask God to give you the ability to love His way. The Holy Spirit wants to give us the direction and the power to do just that, but we have to be willing. Let's decide to live by love for the Lord and for others. It will not only change us, but it will be a great witness to those around us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Corinthians 15-16 and II Corinthians 1-2.
Faith is essential to knowing the Lord Jesus in a personal way. Once we have placed our trust in Him, we have hope that is real and substantial. However, our faith should spring from a genuine love for the Lord Jesus. He loved us enough to die for us. The very least we can do is to love Him with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength. In fact, it is easy to trust Him, when we love Him that way. Then, we are to order our lives around loving others, too. If we will do those two things, everything else falls into place. Therefore, love is the greatest.
Take some time today and read what I Corinthians 13 has to say about God's kind of love. Measure your love for Him and for others by that kind of love. Then, if you are falling short, ask God to give you the ability to love His way. The Holy Spirit wants to give us the direction and the power to do just that, but we have to be willing. Let's decide to live by love for the Lord and for others. It will not only change us, but it will be a great witness to those around us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Corinthians 15-16 and II Corinthians 1-2.