
Showing posts from 2007

Questioning God or Trusting God - Malachi and Revelation 22

Preparations for Eternity - Zechariah 13-14 and Revelation 21

The God of Second Chances - Zechariah 9-12 and Revelation 20

The Second Coming of Christ - Zechariah 5-8 and Revelation 19

Return to Me - Zechariah 1-4 and Revelation 18

Consider Your Ways - Haggai and Revelation 17

God's True and Righteous Judgments - Zephaniah and Revelation 16

Rejoicing in the Midst of Tribulation - Habakkuk and Revelation 15

The Lord's Harvest - Nahum and Revelation 14

Satan's Strong Deception - Micah 6-7 and Revelation 13

God's Victory Over Satan - Micah 4-5 and Revelation 12

Powerful Witnesses - Micah 1-3 and Revelation 11

Delivering God's Word - Jonah and Revelation 10

Singled Out by God - Obadiah and Revelation 9

Trying to Hide from God - Amos 7-9 and Revelation 8

The Lamb will Shepherd Them - Amos 4-6 and Revelation 7

The Wrath of the Lamb - Amos 1-3 and Revelation 6

The Lion and The Lamb - Joel and Revelation 5

The Worship of God - Hosea 12-14 and Revelation 4

Being in the Presence of God - Hosea 9-11 and Revelation 3

Leaving Your First Love - Hosea 5-8 and Revelation 2

Him Who Loved Us - Hosea 1-4 and Revelation 1

Contending for the Faith - Daniel 11-12 and Jude

Walking in the Truth - Daniel 8-10 and III John

Opposing Spirits - Daniel 5-7 and II John

Keep Yourselves from Idols - Daniel 3-4 and I John 5

Hold on to Good and Abstain from Evil - Daniel 1-2 and I John 4

The Children of God - Ezekiel 47-48 and I John 3

Our Advocate, Jesus Christ - Ezekiel 45-46 and I John 2

God With Us - Ezekiel 42-44 and I John 1

The Promise of His Coming - Ezekiel 40-41 and II Peter 3

Dry Bones or False Teachers - Ezekiel 37-39 and II Peter 2

Partakers of the Divine Nature - Ezekiel 35-36 and II Peter 1

Shepherd the Flock of God - Ezekiel 33-34 and I Peter 5

Blaspheming God or Glorifying God - Ezekiel 30-32 and I Peter 4

Submitting to God - Ezekiel 27-29 and I Peter 3

Laying Aside All Malice - Ezekiel 24-26 and I Peter 2

Be Holy, For I am Holy - Ezekiel 22-23 and I Peter 1

The Judge is at the Door - Ezekiel 20-21 and James 5

God is Fair - Ezekiel 18-19 and James 4

Two Kinds of Wisdom - Ezekiel 16-17 and James 3

Faith and Works - Ezekiel 14-15 and James 2

Hearing and Doing God's Word - Ezekiel 11-13 and James 1

The Sacrifice of Praise to God - Ezekiel 8-10 and Hebrews 13

God is a Consuming Fire - Ezekiel 5-7 and Hebrews 12

Living by Faith - Ezekiel 3-4 and Hebrews 11:20-40

Faith and Action - Ezekiel 1-2 and Hebrews 11:1-19

God's Great Faithfulness - Lamentations 3-5 and Hebrews 10:19-39

The Sin Problem - Lamentations 1-2 and Hebrews 10:1-18

The Blood of Jesus - Jeremiah 51-52 and Hebrews 9

A New Covenant - Jeremiah 50 and Hebrews 8

Saved to the Uttermost - Jeremiah 48-49 and Hebrews 7