Loving God
There are two simple tests to see how we are doing when it comes to loving God as we should.(I John 5:3) If we really love God, we will keep His commandments, and His commandments will not be burdensome to us. I hope we will all take this test and see what grade we get on our love for God, because our love for God is the highest and best motivation for all we do.
When we love God, we want to know His Word and His will, so we can obey Him and please Him. This is true when we love another human being, so it is especially true of loving God. Then, when we do His commandments in love, it will not be a burden to us, so that we dislike doing them. We will do them with joy out of our love for the Lord Jesus.
Think about when you fell in love with your husband or wife. Wasn't it easy to try to please them? It wasn't a burden to do what you could do for them, was it? That is the nature of love. It motivates us to do the right things with joy.
Tomorrow, I intend to read III John and Jude.
When we love God, we want to know His Word and His will, so we can obey Him and please Him. This is true when we love another human being, so it is especially true of loving God. Then, when we do His commandments in love, it will not be a burden to us, so that we dislike doing them. We will do them with joy out of our love for the Lord Jesus.
Think about when you fell in love with your husband or wife. Wasn't it easy to try to please them? It wasn't a burden to do what you could do for them, was it? That is the nature of love. It motivates us to do the right things with joy.
Tomorrow, I intend to read III John and Jude.