The Wrath of the Lamb - Amos 1-3 and Revelation 6
Amos begins his prophecy by delivering messages against all of the nations in the area of the Holy Land until he hits the bull's eye of God's people in Judah and Israel. John describes the opening of the first six seals on the scroll in Revelation 6. In both cases we see the wrath or anger of God against sin. Romans 1 tells us that the wrath of God is poured out against all unrighteousness and ungodliness of men. God does not just hate the sins of non-believers. He hates all sin, and He punishes all sin. Amos begins with his messages against the pagan countries, so God's people may have been cheering him on as he spoke of how God was going to send judgment on their enemies. However, His judgment against Judah and Israel was just as bad or worse, because they knew better. They had God's Word and the prophets to warn them, but they rejected the warnings. This is often true of believers today. We neglect God's Word. We think somehow God will pass over our sin. We are wrong! God does not pass over sin, especially, when we know better. He loves us enough to correct us, but sometimes correction comes in the form of a severe spanking. Revelation 6 tells us about the time of the 7 years of Tribulation upon the earth at the end of time as we know it on the earth. It will be a time when God's wrath is poured our against sin. John calls it the wrath of the Lamb. That seems out of character for a lamb to be angry, doesn't it? However, with Jesus it is very much His character. He came to die for our sins and to save us from sin. He does not want us to live in sin at all. He wants us to be separated from sin. Why would we want to live in sin, if we have been delivered from it by His blood? Make no mistake, Jesus will not allow any of His children to live in sin without correcting them as severely as necessary for them to understand their need to repent. That is why we have to experience the wrath of the Lamb at times. He would rather come to us in mercy and grace, but it depends on the condition of our hearts and lives.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Amos 4-6 and Revelation 7.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Amos 4-6 and Revelation 7.