Dry Bones or False Teachers - Ezekiel 37-39 and II Peter 2
Ezekiel was shown one of the most fantastic visions of all times when God revealed the valley of dry bones to him. The bones were Israel, and the vision showed how God would put life back into His people who were suffering from a severe case of spiritual dryness. As believers, we are all subject to wilderness times, when we wander from God and our spiritual vitality dries up. The solution is a fresh infusion of the Spirit of God and a return to His ways. That is what Ezekiel saw happen to Israel, and it can happen to any of us. Once we return to the Lord, He can and will do marvelous things for us like bringing unity and delivering us from enemies as He will do for Israel in the end times. The key is rejecting dryness and being filled with the Living Water of the Spirit. Is that what you need today?
On the other hand, Peter spoke of false teachers among God's people. They looked like Christians and talked like Christians, but they were not believers. They were dead spiritually. They could not be revived. They would have to be born again, before there would be life. However, false teachers resist the Spirit. They follow the way of this world, and they try to take others down the broad road with them. They claim to be God's children, but they return to their vomit and slop proving there was never a change in their lives in the first place. Watch out for false teachers, or pretenders. They will lead you away from God. Perhaps, you are a pretender today. Please, know that the only cure for your spiritual deadness is to turn your life over to Jesus completely, turning from your sin and trusting Him as Lord and Savior once and for all.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 40-41 and II Peter 3.
On the other hand, Peter spoke of false teachers among God's people. They looked like Christians and talked like Christians, but they were not believers. They were dead spiritually. They could not be revived. They would have to be born again, before there would be life. However, false teachers resist the Spirit. They follow the way of this world, and they try to take others down the broad road with them. They claim to be God's children, but they return to their vomit and slop proving there was never a change in their lives in the first place. Watch out for false teachers, or pretenders. They will lead you away from God. Perhaps, you are a pretender today. Please, know that the only cure for your spiritual deadness is to turn your life over to Jesus completely, turning from your sin and trusting Him as Lord and Savior once and for all.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 40-41 and II Peter 3.