Faith and Action - Ezekiel 1-2 and Hebrews 11:1-19
Ezekiel's call to be a prophet for God was very dramatic, as he experienced the four living creatures, the wheel within the wheel, and the glory of God. I am not sure what he saw. It seems like he saw angels and a vision of God, high and lifted up. I am sure he heard from God, and God sent him to speak His Word. At that point Ezekiel had to decide to trust God and act on what God said. Without action there is no real faith. Trusting God is doing what He shows us to do. It is not head knowledge.
Hebrews 11 is a long list of people who had faith in God. Their faith resulted in action. If they had not obeyed God and acted in faith, we would not have ever read about them. Instead, they pleased God by acting in faith.
Sometimes, we convince ourselves we can have faith in God, but not do His will. That is not faith. Faith is trust. If we trust someone, we do what they say. That is especially true about Jesus. Jesus told us to deny ourselves, take up our cross daily, and follow Him. Are we acting in faith? He said, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men." Are we being faithful?
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 3-4 and Hebrews 11:20-40.
Hebrews 11 is a long list of people who had faith in God. Their faith resulted in action. If they had not obeyed God and acted in faith, we would not have ever read about them. Instead, they pleased God by acting in faith.
Sometimes, we convince ourselves we can have faith in God, but not do His will. That is not faith. Faith is trust. If we trust someone, we do what they say. That is especially true about Jesus. Jesus told us to deny ourselves, take up our cross daily, and follow Him. Are we acting in faith? He said, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men." Are we being faithful?
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 3-4 and Hebrews 11:20-40.