Rejoicing in the Midst of Tribulation - Habakkuk and Revelation 15
The two passages we read today were written in times of great tribulation for the believers, but each one contains a song. It is not a funeral song, but a song of faith and praise. What a lesson on life! Even in the midst of great times of trouble, God's people are to rejoice in Him and have a song in our hearts. Remember, the joy of the Lord is our strength.
The prophet Habakkuk had his questions for God. He saw terrible things happening around him. He knew that God was on His throne, though, and he did not doubt God through it all. He lived by faith as all of God's children do. Therefore, the end of his book contains the song of his heart. Read it again in 3:17-19. No matter what happened Habakkuk's heart was set on praising God and the joy of His salvation. He could confidently assert that God was his strength and that the Lord would lift him up to walk above the troubles of life. Can you sing that song in your heart today?
Revelation 15 is a sobering passages in which God is preparing to empty the seven bowls which contain the rest of His wrath onto the earth. At this terrible moment the redeemed break forth in song. It is called the song of Moses and the Lamb. God has been trustworthy and powerful throughout all the days of this earth, and they were singing their praise to Him for His justice and power. They were affirming their faith in one of the darkest times of history by singing a song. No matter what happens to us, we can always sing because God is for us, and He is with us. That is the meaning of Christmas. Immanuel, God with us, was a name for Jesus. He wants to be with you by faith and to lead you through all of life taking you finally to heaven. Put your trust in Him alone, and He will put an undying song in your heart.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Zephaniah and Revelation 16.
The prophet Habakkuk had his questions for God. He saw terrible things happening around him. He knew that God was on His throne, though, and he did not doubt God through it all. He lived by faith as all of God's children do. Therefore, the end of his book contains the song of his heart. Read it again in 3:17-19. No matter what happened Habakkuk's heart was set on praising God and the joy of His salvation. He could confidently assert that God was his strength and that the Lord would lift him up to walk above the troubles of life. Can you sing that song in your heart today?
Revelation 15 is a sobering passages in which God is preparing to empty the seven bowls which contain the rest of His wrath onto the earth. At this terrible moment the redeemed break forth in song. It is called the song of Moses and the Lamb. God has been trustworthy and powerful throughout all the days of this earth, and they were singing their praise to Him for His justice and power. They were affirming their faith in one of the darkest times of history by singing a song. No matter what happens to us, we can always sing because God is for us, and He is with us. That is the meaning of Christmas. Immanuel, God with us, was a name for Jesus. He wants to be with you by faith and to lead you through all of life taking you finally to heaven. Put your trust in Him alone, and He will put an undying song in your heart.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Zephaniah and Revelation 16.