Consider Your Ways - Haggai and Revelation 17
The cry of the prophet, Haggai, is relevant for all of us today. Now that Christmas day is over, we have one more week left in this year, it is the right time for reflection on the past year and preparation for the coming year. I urge all of us to spend time this next week considering our ways.
The message of Haggai to God's people was that they needed to get their priorities straight in order to enjoy God's blessings. They were living in nice houses, but God's house had not been completed. Because of their failure to attend to the things of the Lord, God was causing them to lack everything. They made money, but it was gone before they knew it. They harvested the crops, but the still did not have what they needed. They were in a drought. God was making sure they knew that He was displeased with them. Therefore, Haggai told them to stop and consider why all of this was happening. They had forgotten God. They had left Him out, instead of putting Him first. What about you? Are you ending 2007 with extra money or a lack of money? Do you have more than enough of the necessities of life or are you lacking? Is your work going well, or is your job in trouble? All of these things are signs of God's blessing or lack of it. The only right way is to put Him first. Then, He can bless you.
Revelation 17 has another thing to consider. How is your relationship with God? Are you worshiping the God of the Bible or some god you have made up for yourself? Is your faith Biblical or blasphemous? The great harlot riding the beast represents a false one-world church that will develop at the end of time. Many people will follow this false religion out of a desire to be spiritual, but not follow the Lord. It is a way of following the world and religion together. That is never God's way. Only Biblical faith and worship is accepted by God. There is no way to think all religions are the same and equal. If you believe that you are deceiving yourself. There is only one narrow way, and we need to consider if that is the way we are going. Don't let yourself get off of God's way. All roads don't lead to heaven, so stop and consider your ways.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Zechariah 1-4 and Revelation 18.
The message of Haggai to God's people was that they needed to get their priorities straight in order to enjoy God's blessings. They were living in nice houses, but God's house had not been completed. Because of their failure to attend to the things of the Lord, God was causing them to lack everything. They made money, but it was gone before they knew it. They harvested the crops, but the still did not have what they needed. They were in a drought. God was making sure they knew that He was displeased with them. Therefore, Haggai told them to stop and consider why all of this was happening. They had forgotten God. They had left Him out, instead of putting Him first. What about you? Are you ending 2007 with extra money or a lack of money? Do you have more than enough of the necessities of life or are you lacking? Is your work going well, or is your job in trouble? All of these things are signs of God's blessing or lack of it. The only right way is to put Him first. Then, He can bless you.
Revelation 17 has another thing to consider. How is your relationship with God? Are you worshiping the God of the Bible or some god you have made up for yourself? Is your faith Biblical or blasphemous? The great harlot riding the beast represents a false one-world church that will develop at the end of time. Many people will follow this false religion out of a desire to be spiritual, but not follow the Lord. It is a way of following the world and religion together. That is never God's way. Only Biblical faith and worship is accepted by God. There is no way to think all religions are the same and equal. If you believe that you are deceiving yourself. There is only one narrow way, and we need to consider if that is the way we are going. Don't let yourself get off of God's way. All roads don't lead to heaven, so stop and consider your ways.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Zechariah 1-4 and Revelation 18.