The Second Coming of Christ - Zechariah 5-8 and Revelation 19
Zechariah saw many visions the meanings of which are not totally clear to us. However, it is obvious that God revealed to him that the "Branch" would come and rule from the Temple in Jerusalem. He foresaw a time of righteousness in which the nations of the world would stream to Jerusalem to worship God, because they heard that God was with the Jews. It may have been a hazy prophecy to Zechariah, but it was a clear vision to John. In Revelation 19 he spells it out for us very clearly. There will come a time when God will destroy the world system as we read in chapter 18. Heaven will rejoice over this, and Jesus will have His marriage feast with His bride, the church. That is all of the believers of all ages. The last person who will be saved is saved, and the feast is given in heaven. Then, Jesus returns to earth with all of the believers. He is not the groom, but the conquering King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We are not the bride, but the armies of heaven. He comes swiftly and defeats the armies of the Antichrist with the sword of His mouth, which is the Word of God. As God spoke the universe into existence, He will speak the destruction of the enemies at the battle of Armageddon. In fact, it will be the battle that is over before it starts. Then, Jesus will proceed to Jerusalem to set up His earthly kingdom, and we will be here to reign with Him as the Bible says. What a glorious conclusion to time as we know it! You can count on it happening just like God showed John. That is our admonition to realize that this world is not going to continue this way forever. We must prepare for eternity.
As we spend time in reflection at the end of this year. Consider how everything is going to happen and what effect that should have on your life. How can you and I live in line with this reality now? How can we prepare for it? That should be the guiding factor in how we plan for 2008. Our lives should do everything possible to honor Jesus as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We should allow the Spirit to grow us and prepare us to reign with Him. God has not saved us to sit in a pew, but to serve Him. We will be serving Him for eternity. What we do now and learn now is preparation for eternity. Are you prepared to stand before Christ? Are you mature enough to reign with Him? Stop and ask yourself these questions, because you don't want to be caught unprepared.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Zechariah 9-12 and Revelation 20.
As we spend time in reflection at the end of this year. Consider how everything is going to happen and what effect that should have on your life. How can you and I live in line with this reality now? How can we prepare for it? That should be the guiding factor in how we plan for 2008. Our lives should do everything possible to honor Jesus as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We should allow the Spirit to grow us and prepare us to reign with Him. God has not saved us to sit in a pew, but to serve Him. We will be serving Him for eternity. What we do now and learn now is preparation for eternity. Are you prepared to stand before Christ? Are you mature enough to reign with Him? Stop and ask yourself these questions, because you don't want to be caught unprepared.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Zechariah 9-12 and Revelation 20.