Looking at What is Worthless

 We have all kinds of things to catch our attention today. There are so many television channels that we could never even watch all of them, but some of us end up watching too long every day. There are so many videos that we can stream on the Internet, and so many websites to visit. Then, there is Google on our smart phone, so we can look up anything at any time. See what I mean, lots of distractions.

The psalmist must have experienced this to some degree in his day, and he had a prayer request that all of us should pray every day. (Psalm 119:37) He asked the Lord to turn his eyes away from looking at worthless things, and revive him in God's ways. See what I mean? That is a great way for us to pray now, too. This could change our lives for the better.

We only get a certain number of hours in each day and a certain number of years in our lives. Why should we spend that time looking at things that are worthless? In other words, why do something that has no lasting value or worth to us and to others? It doesn't make sense, and if we do it, we will end up with a lot of regrets as we go to meet the Lord. Therefore, we need to cry out to God to turn our eyes away from these things, to show us what is worthwhile and what is good.

Then, we need to ask God to revive us in His ways. God's ways are the worthwhile things in this life. As Christians, we are to live like Jesus, and Jesus never wasted His time. He never let His eyes be occupied with worthless things. He was always asking the Father to show Him what to do, and then, He was doing it. If we would just live like that, we would be revived and living the abundant life God has for us.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalm 119:89-176.

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