Our Better Refuge

 People will let us down, at times. This is true even of the people we love the most and trust the most. So, if we simply trust in people, we will be hurt when they fail to be trustworthy. Since we do not want that to ever happen to us, we need to trust in the Lord, first and foremost. He is always trustworthy, and He can always protect us from any harm.

The psalmist assured us of this. (Psalm 118:8) God inspired him to tell us that it is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in people. Notice that he said "better." It is not wrong to trust in people for certain things, but it is always better to take refuge in the Lord than to depend on people. Let me explain.

God wants us to have relationships. Trust is what enables us to have a good relationship with another person. Therefore, we must have trust in other people. Also, God commands us to be trustworthy. He wants others to be able to depend on us. That is part of being like Jesus.

The principle here is that we take our refuge in the Lord. He is our Rock, and our salvation. So, as we are constantly trusting in God for everything,  and we choose to trust others at the same time. Then, if they happen to fail us, we are not destroyed. God is there to rescue us and support us from any harm. I hope that is helpful for all of us to navigate life's seas better.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalm 119:1-88 

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