Having Great Peace

 I believe we all want to have peace. I am not just talking about the absence of conflict. I am referring to an inner peace. We don't have that kind of peace when we are not sure of what we are to do and how we should live. It is only when we are assured we are on the right track that we have real peace.

The psalmist knew the source of this kind of peace. (Psalm 119:165) He assured us that those who love God's Law have great peace, and nothing causes them to stumble. God's Law is His Word. That is why God inspired the writers of the Bible. He knew we needed to have His truth to bring peace to our minds and hearts.

When we love God's Word, we will read it. We will spend time meditating on it. We will memorize it, so we can constantly think about its truth for us. Then, even more importantly, because we love the Lord and His Word, we will obey His Word. Our obedience will bring us stability in what is right. We will have confidence that we know the right things to do.

Therefore, we will live in great peace. We won't have to be concerned about how to live. We will know that God will take care of us, as we do things His way. This will prevent us from stumbling, because we won't make the mistakes that causes us problems. See what the Lord is saying to us? Let's love His Law and keep it faithfully every day, so we can live in great peace.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 120-122.

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