Christian Unity

 There is absolutely no reason that two Christians can't live together in unity. That is God's will for all believers, and He can and will give us whatever power and grace we need to live in unity. In fact, God uses our unity to show Himself to unbelievers. If we are divided for any reason, it is a negative witness to those around us. 

The psalmist said it so well. (Psalm 133:1) "Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brothers to live together in unity." I think we all want to have all of the good in life that we can. We want our lives to be as pleasant as possible, too. Therefore, we must put a premium on having unity with all of our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Jesus died on the cross so our sins could be forgiven. That is how serious Jesus took sin. He still takes sin that seriously. When we sin or we allow the sins of others to break our unity with other believers, it is an affront to the saving work of Jesus. It is saying that He is not powerful and gracious enough to heal any hurt and to help us forgive any sins.

I believe that our effectiveness as Christians and as the church is dependent on our unity. As we live and serve together, the Lord is able to multiply our efforts to see others come to Christ. That is why the early church was so successful. They were of one mind and one accord. We need to do whatever it takes to see that happen today in our families and our churches, so a watching world will see Jesus in us and come to Him.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 134-136.

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