God's Gift and Reward

 I think we all like to receive gifts. Of course, gifts are things given to us, not something we earn or purchase with our own money. Also, it is great to receive rewards. Our rewards show others something we have done well or a milestone we have reached. Both gifts and rewards bring us happiness and a sense of being loved and appreciated.

The psalmist was inspired to give us a great insight about children. (Psalm 127:3) Children are a gift of the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward. I believe those of us who have children realize these truths, but we need to consider the meaning, so we really appreciate our children and all children.

Children are a gift of the Lord, but they do require our effort and work. We have to make the decision to have children, and then, we are responsible to provide for them and to care for them. So, how are children a gift of the Lord? There are simple joys of life that we only receive by raising our children. Also, we get great joy from seeing them accomplish things. Without children, we would never know those joys.

Children are rewards, too. God gives them to us for being faithful to His command to be fruitful and multiply. They show that we are being faithful and obedient to the Lord. They are also a reward in that they show the results of our prayers and long hours of labor to see them grow up to be Christian men and women, who are ready to have their own children. To say the very least, we would be much poorer in many ways without our children.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 130-133.

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