
 There are a lot of words that can be used to describe us, as Christians. We are loving, because we have the love of Christ in us to share with other people. We are holy because we have been set apart from this world and set apart for Jesus, so we live a different kind of life from those in the world. We are kind to others like Christ was when He was on earth. However, we are also immoveable. We might not think about that quite as much as the the others.

The psalmist used a great analogy to describe the people of God. (Psalm 125:1) He told us that those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved but remains forever. Isn't that a great word picture? As Christians, we are not going to be moved by this world, but we are steadfast and immoveable in our relationship with Jesus Christ.

When we look at most people around us, we see that they are very unstable. They are always changing what they are thinking and doing. They try one thing for a while, and then they change to something else. They are tossed about like the waves of the sea, because they don't really know what to believe and what to do to be happy and fulfilled.

As believers, we have settled that once and for all. We trust in Jesus and follow Him every day. Our faith in Him opens the door to a love relationship with the Lord of all, and we are totally satisfied with knowing Him, loving Him, and serving Him forever. Therefore, we are not going to be moved away from Jesus. We will be steady and remain forever, like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 126-129. 

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