Our Banner to Display

 As we drive down the road, we see all kinds of banners flying in the wind. They are designed to catch our attention, and then to communicate a message we might need to hear. The Lord wants to get the attention of all people, so that they look at Him. Then, He wants them to hear the message He has for them. We are to be a part of that process.

David said it this way. (Psalm 60:4) God has given a banner to those of us who fear Him, that it might be displayed because of the truth. If you fear the Lord, are you displaying the banner which the Lord has given you? If not, both you and other people are missing out.

When we fear God, we respect Him so much that we fear what He will do to us if we don't do His will. This healthy fear leads us and inspires us not to sin, but to live righteous lives before God and others. When we do that, our righteousness makes us different from those who don't know the Lord. That is our banner to display for them.

They need for us to display our banner well and not hide our relationship with the Lord. They need to know the truth about God, about salvation through Jesus Christ alone, and about living the abundant Christian life. If we do not show them and tell them, they may never come to know the truth. They will be lost forever. Let's decide today to display the banner God has given us everywhere we go.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalm 61-63.

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