Be Gracious to Me, God

Isn't it nice to receive more than we think we are going to receive?  That applies to the times when we get more money than we were expecting. It also is great to get more help from others than we thought we would receive. Getting that extra something is just a blessing. That is the great thing about how God treats us.

David had all kinds of enemies and troubles. (Psalm 57:1-2) Because of these things, he asked God to be gracious to him, for his soul took refuge in God and in the shadow of His wings he was safe until the destruction passed by. He cried out to God Most High, to God who accomplished all things for him. We all need for God to be gracious to us all the time.

None of us deserve God's blessings. We are all sinful and fall short of His glory. However, He saves us by His grace when we trust Jesus as Lord and Savior. It is then that He gives us more than we deserve, more love, more inheritance, and more forgiveness. God's salvation is so abundant and helps us in so many ways to live an abundant life.

Even after salvation, God is gracious to us. He allows us to take refuge under His wings of protection against all attacks and dangers. He is always there to comfort and protect us. In fact, God is the One who accomplishes all things for us. Like Jesus said, "without Him we can do nothing." (John 15:5b) Therefore, we should be thankful for God's graciousness to us, as He gives us more than enough power and guidance to do everything we do. 


Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 58-60.

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