Being Delivered and Vindicated

 It is so good when we have a friend who comes to our rescue in times of trouble. We see them coming with just the right gifts and abilities to deliver us from what is happening to us, and it makes our heart rejoice. Also, there are times that we need someone to vouch for us when others spread lies or rumors about us. We need to be vindicated, so that others see that we are not what others are saying about us.

David had these things happen to him all the time. He had a good army and many powerful friends, but He went to the Lord for deliverance and vindication, instead of looking to people. (Psalm 54:1) David cried out to God, "Save me, God, by Your name, and vindicate me by Your power." Let's take a moment to see what David was saying to God, and it will help us.

The name of God is His character. His name represents who God is. It denotes power, because God is all-powerful. It denotes wisdom because God is all-knowing. It is the very essence of love, since He is love. When we need saving or delivering from someone or something, there is no one who is better suited to do just what we need than the Lord. What a blessing!

When people have heard falsehoods about us, we can't necessarily disprove them, and we can't know who has heard the false statements. It is at those times that we need the Lord to show others that we are not that type person. He has that power to do that for us. We could try to vindicate ourselves, but it would seem we are just trying to make things easier on us. However, when God vindicates us, others know we have been slandered, and what they were told is not true.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 55-57.   

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