God's Favor is Better than Life

 I have had a lot of fun in my life. I can say that I have enjoyed my many years upon this earth. Life can be wonderful, and it definitely has its suffering and pain, as well. I am glad God allowed me to be born. However, I have found something that is far better than life itself. It is all positive with no downside to it.

King David had found the same thing. (Psalm 63:3) He told the Lord, "Because Your favor is better than life, my lips will praise You." God's favor is truly better than anything life can give us. It is much better than riches or power. It is even better than human love with all of its pleasures and satisfaction. 

When we have favor with another person, it means that they see us in a positive way, and they want to do what is best for us. Once we come to know Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we have the favor of God upon us. God rejoices in having us as a part of His family. He starts to shower us with blessings in so many ways.

The favor of God brings us peace, love, and joy. He provides for our needs, even in the most difficult times. He loves to walk with us and talk with us to guide us to know Him better and to see the eternal things, instead of just knowing earthly things. His favor unlocks mysteries and possibilities we could never conceive of without Him. Because of all of this, I pray that we will all join with David and praise the Lord with our lips for His favor.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalm 64-67.

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