A Steadfast Spirit

 It is easy for us to get lax about doing important things. We might start on a project to clean the house or the basement, but we fail to finish. We might begin a diet, but in a few days we are back to eating like we did before. There are so many distractions in life, and we get tired easily, so we stop doing what is best. That is especially true when it come to the things of God.

David slipped away from God. He was a man after God's own heart, but he didn't go to war one year, and he committed adultery and murder. When God convicted him of his sin, David cried out to God. (Psalm 51:10) He prayed for God to create a clean heart in him, and to renew a steadfast spirit within him. We all need to pray that prayer at certain times in our lives.

Our hearts get dirty when we sin and fail to confess our sins to God sincerely. When we have dirty hearts, we are separated from God, because He looks at our heart, not our outward appearance to see how we are doing. Once we confess our sins, He is the One who has to cleanse us and restore our fellowship. 

At that point, we need to have our spirit renewed, so that we have a steadfast spirit in us. We need to be consistent in our praying, Bible reading, meditating on God's Word, and serving the Lord. We have to want to be steadfast, like David prayed, but it is the power of God that gives us the ability to live like Jesus each day. Therefore, if we have become lax in spiritual things, we need to get right with God, and ask for His renewing power to make us steadfast for Him once again.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 52-54.

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