The Sin of Indifference

 When we think of sin, we often think of doing really bad things. We call those sins sins of commission, because we are committing a sin. However, the sins of omission are just as bad or worse than the sins of commission. Those sins are when we omit doing the right thing. Since we are to be holy, we must do the right things and not just stop from doing the wrong things.

The church at Laodicea was guilty of being lukewarm or indifferent. They were not hot or cold, but complacent and apathetic toward the things of the Lord. (Revelation 3:19) God told them that He corrects and disciplines everyone He loves. Therefore, they needed to be diligent and turn from their indifference. This could be our sin, too.

Remember, God is love. He loves us, and He wants us to love Him back. The opposite of love is not hate, but it is apathy or indifference. We are to love the Lord and others with all our heart, but when we are indifferent, we don't really love well. We just don't really care.

We can be indifferent about prayer, Bible study, worship, and other spiritual disciplines. When we do not really pursue them sincerely with a hot heart, we are committing the sin of indifference. When we realize this, we need to confess that sin and repent of it, so that we start being passionate about the things of God. In fact, we need to ask the Spirit to show us any indifference in our life.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Revelation 4-5. 

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