Making a Practice of Sinning
It seems there are many people who do not make a connection between not making a practice of sin and being a Christian. I think it is because they think of salvation as putting their faith in Christ by saying a prayer. After the prayer, they think everything is OK, and they can go back to living much like they did before.
John makes it plain that is not correct. (I John 3:9) He said that those who have been born into God's family do not make a practice of sinning, because God's life is in them. So they can't keep on sinning because they are children of God. It is vital that we understand what John meant.
Christianity is not a religion. It is a relationship with Jesus. It begins when we repent, (turn from our sins),trust Jesus as our Savior, and surrender to Him as Lord of our life. Then, God adopts us into His family and gives us a new nature. The new nature will not allow us to make a practice of sinning.
The Holy Spirit comes to live in us. He guides us to do God's will and empowers us to do it. When we do sin by missing God's will, He convicts us of our sin, so we can confess it and be cleansed from it. As we follow Jesus and the Holy Spirit, we will become more and more like Jesus, instead of making a practice of sinning.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I John 4-5 and II John.