Give God Your Worries
Worry is a major problem for many people. It is easy for us to dwell on problems and on difficult situations, and to try to solve them by ourselves. In the process fear develops, as we consider all of the negative things that could happen. God tells us not to do that. He knows that worry harms our health both mentally and physically.
Peter gave us the antidote for worry. (I Peter 5:7) He commanded us to give all of our worries and cares to God, for He cares bout us. I suppose that could seem too simple for some people, but just stop and think about how practical and powerful it is. This solution makes all the sense in the world.
Since worries and cares are not good for us, it makes sense to get rid of them. We do not need them hanging around in our minds to fester and grow into all kinds of anxieties. If there is someone who is willing to take our worries and cares away, why shouldn't we take Him up on the offer? It is to our advantage.
This is especially true, since God does it out of His great care for us, and because He can make every worry and care come out for our good. If we try to handle them, we often mess up, and things get worse. It never happens that way with our Loving Father. Therefore, let's take God at His Word and give Him all of our worries and cares.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Peter 1-3.