Wise and Innocent
I wonder what people around us would say if they were asked to describe us? Of course, we hope they would be able to say something good about us. However, just exactly what would they point out? There are some characteristics that are much more important to have than others. If we have them, we will have a much better life.
Paul told the Christians at Rome about the things that really matter and how they made him feel when he saw them in people. (Romans 16:19) He told them that everyone knew that they were obedient to the Lord, and that made him very happy. His desire was for them to be wise in doing right and to stay innocent of any wrong. That is a great formula for our life.
Our obedience to the Lord should be evident to everyone around us, because most people are not doing what God has commanded them to do. When we obey the Lord and His Word, we will stick out. People will note what we do and how we do it. They will know it is a good way to live, because they will see the results in our life.
In order to be obedient to the Lord, we must be wise in doing right. We must know what to do and how to do it the way God wants us to do it. That is not easy, but it is possible, as we stay close to the Lord and stay filled with the Spirit who guides us and empowers us.
It keeps us from falling into doing the wrong things. This is so important because once we have committed a sin, the consequences remain with us. We can confess and be forgiven, but we are no longer innocent of committing that sin and causing the consequences. It is much better to remain innocent than to have to confess it to God.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Corinthians 2-4.