Enslaved by the World
I can't imagine how hard it would be to be a slave, especially if my master was cruel. I am sure I would long to be set free. On the other hand, if I was a slave and my master sold me, how wonderful it would be to be bought by a person who would set me free. That freedom would be exhilarating. All of us, as believers, have been set free from the cruel master of sin.
Paul used this analogy to make an important point for all believers. (I Corinthians 7:23) God inspired him to tell us that God had paid a high price for us, so we should not become enslaved by this world. I am afraid this has happened to many believers today.
God sent His Only Son, Jesus, to die for our sins on a rugged cross. He paid the ultimate price as He bore our sins in His body and took the punishment for our sins, as He shed His blood to pay for those sins. God paid that price to set us free from sin, not to simply forgive our sins, so we would be enslaved to the things of this world.
Why would we allow anything to take our minds and hearts away from the Lord Jesus who saved us? Yet, many believers become addicted to social media, virtual reality games, material possessions and other things of this world. Then, they are just as much a slave as they were before. Let's ask Jesus to set us free from anything that enslaves us now by the power of His Holy spirit. Then, let's remain free to live for Jesus.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Corinthians 8-10.