Overcoming Temptations
The devil has a trick he uses to get us to sin. He makes us think that our problems are worse than everyone else's problems. Then, he tells us that they are so bad we can't help but sin in that situation, but God will understand since things are so hard. It works a lot of times, but it is never true.
Paul gave us a great gem of truth about this. (I Corinthians 10:13) He assured us, as believers, that the temptations in our life are no different from what others experience. And he also assured us that God is faithful. So He will not allow the temptation to be more than we can stand. When we are tempted, God will always show us a way out, so we can endure the temptation and not sin.
God is in control of every temptation that comes into our lives, as believers. He knows our strengths and weaknesses. He knows our thoughts and actions. Therefore, He is able to only allow the temptations we can endure with His assistance and power. He allows them to teach us to trust Him more.
When God allows a trial or a temptation, He does it out of love to help us grow in Him. Every time we trust Him to overcome the temptation, we get stronger in our faith. So, the next time we can handle more, so we get to be more and more like Jesus as we trust in Him and watch for the way out He gives us with every temptation. All of this teaches trust in our faithful Father.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Corinthians 11-13.