Genuine Love Always Endures

 Much has been written about love. It is certain that there are many definitions and many different opinions about love. Mostly we hear about infatuation and sensual desire as being love. That is all nonsense. Genuine love is from God, because He is love. God's love never fails.

I Corinthians 13 has the inspired explanation of genuine love. I want us to look at just one verse today. (I Corinthians 13:7) "Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures every circumstance." If what you have in your life doesn't measure up to this standard, it is not genuine love.

Love never gives up on the other person, just like God never gives up on us. He never stops pursuing us, doing all He can to get us to enter an eternal faith relationship with Him. Love never loses faith in the other person. It always looks on the positive side of things, so that restoration is possible when things go wrong.

Genuine love always has hope for the future. That hope is based on the goodness of God and His plans for us. Because of all of these characteristics, genuine love endures through every circumstance. Nothing can stamp it out or dampen it's zeal for the other person. I know this sounds too good to be true, but this is how God loves, and when we know Him, He gives us His genuine love to shower on others.


Tomorrow, I intend to read I Corinthians 14-16 and II Corinthians 1.  

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