The Marriage Feast of the Lamb

 The Jewish people of Jesus's day really knew how to have a wedding. They did not just have a ceremony. They had a marriage feast for several days to celebrate the union of the groom and his bride. It was a fantastic party for all of those who were invited. There was all kinds of great food, music, and dancing. All of this was because they understood the importance of the marriage union between and man and a woman, and they wanted everyone else to see this truth. One day there will be a very special Marriage Feast in heaven. It will be celebrating the eternal union of Jesus and His church. (Revelation 9:9) The angel told John to record this event for us. He was told to write and to say, "Blessed are those invited to the Marriage Feast of the Lamb," and "These words of God are true." This feast could happen pretty soon. Do you have your invitation? You don't want to miss this.

Jesus is the Eternal Son of God. He came to save us from our sins by His sacrifice on the cross, but that is not all He came to accomplish, as great as that is. He came to have a close personal relationship with each of us who put our faith in Him as our Lord and Savior. Everyone who trusts Jesus becomes a member of the "Bride of Christ," which is the church. We do not just get an invitation to the Marriage Feast of the Lamb, we are there to be joined to Jesus in the closest possible relationship. Therefore, we need to be getting ourselves ready for the wedding by becoming as righteous as possible in His strength. Our lives should be holy and pure so we are totally worthy to be joined to Jesus. He will give us the wisdom and the power to do this, if we will fully submit to Him. Then, on the day the last person is saved who will ever be saved. Jesus will rapture His Bride up to heaven. We will have the Judgment time and then, the Marriage Feast of the Lamb. Once that is completed, we will return with Jesus to reign in this world for 1,000 during the Millennium. What an honor and a privilege we have to be Christ's Bride and to reign with Him. Let's make sure we are ready for this amazing experience that could happen very soon.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Revelation 21-22.

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