Judgment is Coming
One spiritual reality that many people do not like to think about is the Judgment. However, it is very real, and every single person will face God in a time to give an account of their lives. The believers will come before the Judgment Seat of Christ and account for their works or lack of them. The unbelievers will stand before the Great White Throne Judgment, and they will see how God gave them every opportunity to trust the Lord Jesus. We need to live each day with these things in mind, so we live in God's will, and we encourage others to do the same. Also, this world system that is controlled by Satan will come to a time of Judgment. (Revelation 18:10) The book of Revelation describes that time as the fall of Babylon, the evil city in the past, as a symbol for the evil world system now. John saw the kings of the earth standing far off in fear of her torment, and they were saying, "Woe, woe, the great city, Babylon, the mighty city. For in a single hour your judgment has come." This should help us all to be ready for our time of judgment.
God will punish all sins, since He is holy. However, He does forgive the sins of those who put their trust in Jesus as Lord and Savior, because Jesus was punished for those sins. Believers still have judgment time, because we have to give an account of how we followed God's will. We will either be commended for being faithful servants, or we will suffer loss because all of our life works will be burned up. Then, we will enter heaven with no rewards. The unbelievers will be cast out into outer darkness after their time of judgment. They will see clearly that Jesus is Lord, and they rejected Him repeated, so they deserve their punishment. The truth that we see in Revelation is that the Judgment comes "in a single hour." It comes quickly. There is no stopping it, and there is no time to prepare at the last minute. We need to stay ready for it every day by walking humbly in faith with Jesus. Please, don't think you can wait until the end and make things right. No one knows when the end will be for the world or for you. Please, get right with Jesus now.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Revelation 19-20.