Worry Weighs Us Down
I pray that we have all learned about the destructive power of worry in our lives. I am afraid that many people think it is impossible not to worry, so they do not try to stop. Others slip back into a life of worrying, even after seeing how it hurts them. No matter what category we fit into, we need to remember what Solomon told us about worry. (Proverbs 12:25) How we handle worry determines whether we live down in the dumps or know how we can receive just the pick up we need to live well. It is worth our time to take this seriously.
Worry weighs us down. When we worry about things, it causes our minds to focus on the negative. It takes our minds off of God, and we only tend to think about what we can and should do. Worry causes us to feel defeated, because we know we have things in our lives over which we have no control, and we are too weak to overcome them. That leads us into depression and all sorts of problems. We need to hear God's Word and stop worrying. (Philippians 4:6,7) It might not be easy, but it simple enough for any of us to do, if we decide to do it. All we do is start praying about everything, instead of worrying. Start giving things to God and let Him handle them. It takes our eyes off of our problems and puts them on the Only One who has the wisdom and power to solve them. Also, He loves us so much that He will be with us no matter what happens, if we are one of His children.
Then, make sure we speak cheerful words and we have people around us who speak cheerful words. We can actually pick ourselves up by telling ourselves the things of God, meditating on Scripture, and filling our minds with His promises. The least we can do is to surround ourselves with people who are cheerful. If we hang around worriers, we will lapse into worry, too. Please, remember cheerful words pick us up. They are like a medicine to our hearts. Therefore, let's make sure we are fed a constant stream of cheerful words to keep us from getting down. We can do this no matter how bad things seem to be going. There is always something for which to be thankful and something cheerful to say.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Proverbs 13-15.
Worry weighs us down. When we worry about things, it causes our minds to focus on the negative. It takes our minds off of God, and we only tend to think about what we can and should do. Worry causes us to feel defeated, because we know we have things in our lives over which we have no control, and we are too weak to overcome them. That leads us into depression and all sorts of problems. We need to hear God's Word and stop worrying. (Philippians 4:6,7) It might not be easy, but it simple enough for any of us to do, if we decide to do it. All we do is start praying about everything, instead of worrying. Start giving things to God and let Him handle them. It takes our eyes off of our problems and puts them on the Only One who has the wisdom and power to solve them. Also, He loves us so much that He will be with us no matter what happens, if we are one of His children.
Then, make sure we speak cheerful words and we have people around us who speak cheerful words. We can actually pick ourselves up by telling ourselves the things of God, meditating on Scripture, and filling our minds with His promises. The least we can do is to surround ourselves with people who are cheerful. If we hang around worriers, we will lapse into worry, too. Please, remember cheerful words pick us up. They are like a medicine to our hearts. Therefore, let's make sure we are fed a constant stream of cheerful words to keep us from getting down. We can do this no matter how bad things seem to be going. There is always something for which to be thankful and something cheerful to say.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Proverbs 13-15.