Talking Before Thinking

There are some habits in life that will just wreck our lives. I am not talking about being addicted to drugs or alcohol, even though those habits or addictions are very damaging. I am talking about habits that seem to be OK. However, when we examine their effect on our life, we see all of the trouble they cause. Solomon mentions one of those habits, when he admonishes us to observe those who always talk before they think. People like that cause themselves more pain than being a person with only limited mental ability. (Proverbs 30-32) Let's see why that is so true and why we need to break that habit, if we have it.

Extroverts talk before they think, while introverts think before they talk. I am basically an extrovert. My inclination is to speak what comes to my mind as soon as I hear something that is said. That is exactly what God has warned us of here in Proverbs. When I do that, it doesn't matter how intelligent I may be, because I have not used my intellect to think before answering. Therefore, even a very intellectually challenged person could respond better than me by using just a little common sense before responding. However, over the years, I have asked the Holy Spirit to control my tongue and to help me stop and think before I respond. Praise God, He has done just that. I have been able to break this bad habit in God's power. Yes, I still fall into this trap at times, but at least, I don't always talk before I think.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Proverbs 30-31 and Ecclesiastes 1.

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