One Race
The historical account of Noah and the ark is very significant. It explains a lot of things that people do not understand today. It explains that the Earth is not very old. All of what we see now is the result of a worldwide flood that covered the mountains and the erosion that happened when the floodwaters drained away. It also explains the sea creature fossils being found on the tops of mountains. It also shows us why we have so much oil under the crust of the Earth. The rapid decomposition of the organic matter being under such great weigh and pressure formed oil deposits. Besides all of these things, the account of the flood shows us that there is only one race people, even though we have different bodily features. This is because we all descended from Noah and his three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. (Genesis 9:18,19) If we understand this, it helps us see other people clearly.
There is a lot of racism in the world, but there shouldn't be any racism. We are all related. We have a common ancestry. There are no real substantial differences between the people groups we see around the world. The differences are superficial. It is only skin color and facial/body features that make us look different. On the inside, we are all the same. We are body, soul, and spirit, created by God. We all have Noah and one of his sons as our ancestors, so we are all the same race, We have just developed different outward features based on where we live and other genetic factors. This should keep us from being prejudiced against other people. It should keep us from feeling superior to other people. We are all basically the same, and we should love each other as God loves us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 11-14.
There is a lot of racism in the world, but there shouldn't be any racism. We are all related. We have a common ancestry. There are no real substantial differences between the people groups we see around the world. The differences are superficial. It is only skin color and facial/body features that make us look different. On the inside, we are all the same. We are body, soul, and spirit, created by God. We all have Noah and one of his sons as our ancestors, so we are all the same race, We have just developed different outward features based on where we live and other genetic factors. This should keep us from being prejudiced against other people. It should keep us from feeling superior to other people. We are all basically the same, and we should love each other as God loves us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 11-14.