Mastering Sin

The account of Cain and Abel is one of the saddest events in the Bible. It is shocking that a brother would kill his own brother, because his sacrifice was not accepted by God, but his brother's was accepted. This is especially true, since Cain should have known the rules for the sacrifices. Instead of using crops he had grown, if he had made an animal sacrifice, God would have been pleased. It was his rebellion that caused his shame, not his brother. We can see this in what God told Cain about sin. God asked him why he was throwing a tantrum and sulking. He knew that if he did well, God would accept him. However, he also knew that if he did not do well, sin would lie at the door of his heart, ready to pounce on him. Therefore, God warned Cain that sin was out to get him, so he had to master it, before sin mastered him. (Genesis 4:6,7) This is a vital lesson for all of us to learn and quickly.

Just like Cain, when we do not do well, sin lies in wait for us. It is right there before us, so we can choose to commit sin, instead of doing the thing God wants us to do. We always have a second or more to stop and take control of our thoughts before we make the wrong choice. That is when sin has to be mastered. To master sin we must stop, ask God to direct us, and empower us, so that we do his will, and we do not let the enticing nature of sin get control of us. If we will do that, we can master sin every time. However, if we let it sit there, and we let it into our mind and heart, sin will master us. It will take over our thoughts and emotions, so that we will do terrible things like Cain did to his brother. I pray we will all master sin in this way, so that our lives and the lives of those around us are not damaged or destroyed by sin's consequences.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 7-10.

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