Blessed in Our Trials
Joseph was sold into slavery in Egypt. He was alone in a strange land. Then, he was accused of rape by his master's wife, so he was thrown into prison. It seemed that his life was going from good to bad to worse. I can only imagine that Joseph prayed to God for understanding, because of all of his trials. He had done nothing wrong to cause these things to happen, but they were a part of God's plan. Joseph could not see that, though. However, he stayed faithful to God, and Joseph lived a righteous life through it all. Because of his faithfulness, God blessed Joseph every step of the way through all of his trials. He did not bless him by removing the trials, but God blessed him in the trials. Joseph was put in charge of his master's household, because Potiphar saw that God was blessing him. Then, he was put in charge of the prison for the same reason. (Genesis 39:19-23) We can learn a lot by looking at Joseph's life of trials.
God was with Joseph no matter what happened. When we have trials, we are tempted to think that God has abandoned us. That is not the case if we stay faithful. In fact, God reaches out to us in kindness when He sees our situation. He puts us on good terms with the people of authority around us, and sometimes, He continues to promote us in our worst times of trial. In the whole process we are good examples of what God can and will do for His children, no matter their situation in life. Others see the blessings of God in our lives. They see us being faithful, even when things are hard, and that is a great witness to them. Therefore, I pray that we will not be discouraged by trials, but we will remain true to the Lord, praying and following Him each day. Then, God can bless us through our trials while He takes us to the destination in life He has for us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 41-43.
God was with Joseph no matter what happened. When we have trials, we are tempted to think that God has abandoned us. That is not the case if we stay faithful. In fact, God reaches out to us in kindness when He sees our situation. He puts us on good terms with the people of authority around us, and sometimes, He continues to promote us in our worst times of trial. In the whole process we are good examples of what God can and will do for His children, no matter their situation in life. Others see the blessings of God in our lives. They see us being faithful, even when things are hard, and that is a great witness to them. Therefore, I pray that we will not be discouraged by trials, but we will remain true to the Lord, praying and following Him each day. Then, God can bless us through our trials while He takes us to the destination in life He has for us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 41-43.