
I believe most people crave harmony. We want to have harmony with God and with other people. This desire for harmony is especially seen in our relationships with biological family members and members of our spiritual family. The psalmist was so correct. It makes our life so good and pleasant. (Psalm 133:1) The opposite is also true. When there is a lack of harmony, it is very bad and unpleasant. Let's consider what brings this harmony to our life.

In order for us to have harmony between us and another person, even God, there must be agreement. (Amos 3:3) We must agree upon the basic truths of life. If there is no agreement, there is a definite disharmony. However, we can still be different and bring our differences together in harmony. This is seen by musical harmony. Each person might be singing a different note, but they combine to make a pleasant sound that is even more full than several people singing the same note. Yes, we are all different. We think differently and we express ourselves differently, but if we have a basic agreement, so that our thoughts and words blend together, we have harmony. Also, there is one more factor. That is the unity of the Holy Spirit. When we all know Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we have God as our Father, and the Holy Spirit is in us to lead us into all truth.(John 16:13) When we have a family or a church family that allows the Spirit to fill us, and we walk according to God's truth, there is a supernatural harmony or unity that is amazing. That is the harmony of the Lord that causes our lives to be good and pleasant together, instead of full of conflict and strife. I pray that all of us would know this supernatural harmony from the Lord and enjoy its benefits in our families and churches.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 134-136.

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