Patiently Waiting
It is hard for most of us to wait very long when we really want to do something. The truth is that patience is a virtue that many people do not possess. We want to get what we want, and we want it right now. Many times, this rises out of selfishness, too, I am afraid. However, God has no problem being patient. He has a abundance of patience, and He is not selfish at all. He loves us so much that He puts off what He would like to do in order to help us out. This is especially true when it comes to the second coming of Christ. God knows that once Christ comes to receive His own up to heaven, the ones who are left behind and have put off trusting Christ, will be forever lost since they failed to repent and believe. (II Peter 3:9) We need to be mindful of this fact and decide not to wait any longer to trust in Christ.
God knows that heaven is fantastic. It is beyond our ability to imagine what it will be like. We will be so happy there, and we will have eternal bodies that will never wear out, so we can worship Him and serve Him forever. That is far better than life in this world, isn't it? Peter tells us that Jesus is coming because God wants us to experience that. However, He is also not wishing that any should perish and miss heaven, so He is patiently waiting until the last person comes to repentance. Then, He will send Christ. Could it be that you are the one He is waiting on? Why not trust Christ today? Maybe you have a loved one or friend who needs Jesus, but they are putting it off. I believe we should do all we can do to encourage them to trust Christ and to hasten the coming of our Lord. I believe this is what God wants us to do intentionally every day. Let's do it and watch for Jesus to come.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I John 1-4.
God knows that heaven is fantastic. It is beyond our ability to imagine what it will be like. We will be so happy there, and we will have eternal bodies that will never wear out, so we can worship Him and serve Him forever. That is far better than life in this world, isn't it? Peter tells us that Jesus is coming because God wants us to experience that. However, He is also not wishing that any should perish and miss heaven, so He is patiently waiting until the last person comes to repentance. Then, He will send Christ. Could it be that you are the one He is waiting on? Why not trust Christ today? Maybe you have a loved one or friend who needs Jesus, but they are putting it off. I believe we should do all we can do to encourage them to trust Christ and to hasten the coming of our Lord. I believe this is what God wants us to do intentionally every day. Let's do it and watch for Jesus to come.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I John 1-4.