Working for Our Earthly Inheritance
The tribes of Israel that received land as their inheritance were greatly blessed by God. He fought for them, and He enabled them to possess the land under the leadership of Joshua. However, they still had to fight the inhabitants of the land, and they had to work to receive all of their inheritance after the land was taken. Each tribe had to go in and drive out the inhabitants of their area. Then, they had to prepare the land for planting. The tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh are a good example. They had a lot of people, and they received a good inheritance, but the Lord made them strong to be able to drive out the Canaanites and to clear the forest of the hill country. (Joshua 17:17,18) This required a lot of effort on their part to use the strength God had given them. The same is true for us today.
When we are saved by trusting Chris as Lord and Savior of our lives, we are adopted into God's family, we receive the Holy Spirit, and we have God's strength to do what we need to do to become all God means for us to be and to have all God's wants us to have. However, we have to walk in the Spirit, following the Lord each day, so we can do His will in driving out the old things in our lives and in clearing away obstacles to doing His will. Yes, at times He works miracles for us, and we receive gifts just from His grace, but usually God requires us to apply our strength which is from Him to the task ahead. This leads us to grow and to trust Him more and more. If we fail to follow the Lord and use His strength, then our lives will not possess all He has laid up for us. Therefore, let us be diligent to do all that He has for us and do it in His strength, trusting Him always.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Joshua 18-20.
When we are saved by trusting Chris as Lord and Savior of our lives, we are adopted into God's family, we receive the Holy Spirit, and we have God's strength to do what we need to do to become all God means for us to be and to have all God's wants us to have. However, we have to walk in the Spirit, following the Lord each day, so we can do His will in driving out the old things in our lives and in clearing away obstacles to doing His will. Yes, at times He works miracles for us, and we receive gifts just from His grace, but usually God requires us to apply our strength which is from Him to the task ahead. This leads us to grow and to trust Him more and more. If we fail to follow the Lord and use His strength, then our lives will not possess all He has laid up for us. Therefore, let us be diligent to do all that He has for us and do it in His strength, trusting Him always.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Joshua 18-20.