Knowing the Lord, Face to Face

Moses was a very unique person for his time. He was a great leader. He was a prophet, who spoke forth God's Word. However, the greatest thing that could be said of him was that he knew the Lord face to face. (Deuteronomy 34:10) That is what made him such a rare individual. I believe it is still a rare quality even today.

How well do you know the Lord? I believe we all need to be honest with ourselves and assess our relationship with the Lord Jesus on a regular basis. That relationship is the source of our life, and it determines the quality of our life. Therefore, it is very important. The phrase "face to face" denotes an intimate relationship. It means that we can see the character of the Lord clearly, and we speak with Him, so that we hear what He is saying to us. It means we have a relationship with Jesus that is just as real and growing as any relationship we have with other people whom we can see. That is the kind of relationship we all should have with our Lord, but do we? Please, ask yourself that question today, and if it is not the case, cry out to Him to establish that intimacy with you as you submit to Him fully.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Joshua 1-3.

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