Create in Me a Clean Heart
David was deeply convicted of his sin with Bathsheba when Nathan the prophet confronted him. Then, his eyes were opened to the damage he had done to Himself and others. David confessed his sin and cried out to God for His cleansing and His restoration. (Psalm 51:10) Psalm 51 is an excellent model of true confession and repentance. As believers, we need to learn from it.
David knew his heart was stained by his sin and his spirit has corrupted, as well. His sin had separated him from God, because he had sinned against God. We all need to see that our sins hurt other people, but they hurt God, too. Since He wants to have fellowship with us on a daily basis, sin interrupts that close relationship. However, once we confess of the sin specifically, and we sincerely repent of it, God can and will cleanse us from our sin and restore our relationship. (I John 1:9) At that moment we need God to create in us a clean heart, a heart sensitive to Him. We need a renewed spirit that is steadfast in our focus on Him and our attention to Him. Then, we can resume our daily walk with the Lord without any hindrances.
I pray that you will use Psalm 51 as a guide, if you feel far away from God, or if you feel dirty before Him. He is longing to cleanse and restore you, but you have to take the first step.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 52-54.
David knew his heart was stained by his sin and his spirit has corrupted, as well. His sin had separated him from God, because he had sinned against God. We all need to see that our sins hurt other people, but they hurt God, too. Since He wants to have fellowship with us on a daily basis, sin interrupts that close relationship. However, once we confess of the sin specifically, and we sincerely repent of it, God can and will cleanse us from our sin and restore our relationship. (I John 1:9) At that moment we need God to create in us a clean heart, a heart sensitive to Him. We need a renewed spirit that is steadfast in our focus on Him and our attention to Him. Then, we can resume our daily walk with the Lord without any hindrances.
I pray that you will use Psalm 51 as a guide, if you feel far away from God, or if you feel dirty before Him. He is longing to cleanse and restore you, but you have to take the first step.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 52-54.