Woe to Those who Call Evil Good
We live in a country which is divided in our beliefs about what is right and what is wrong. Of course, I could give a long list of things as examples, but I do not want to limit our thinking to just my list. I want us to hear what God says to us through Isaiah. God said that it is a sad day for those who call evil good and good evil, or who call light darkness and darkness light, or who call bitter sweet and sweet bitter. (Isaiah 5:20) Unfortunately, we have come to the place in America where we see this happening on a large scale every day.
The problem emerged when we abandoned absolute truth and values, so that people began to think that they could decide what is right and what is wrong based on their understanding of reality. We threw out the Bible as God's Word. In fact, there are many people who say there are "no absolutes," which is an absurd statement for them to make absolutely. Now, there need not be any connection to reality for a person to believe something. It may be simply based on how they feel or what they like. Because of this, we hear people calling what God says is evil good and what God says is good evil. People who claim to be smart call darkness light and light darkness. They even say that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter. In other words, they have things exactly the opposite of reality, and they think that is fine.
If we can't solve this dilemma, we can't solve the problems of our country, because there is no way to get people to be unified in seeking a solution to our ills. That is why it will take a return to the Absolute God of the Bible and His absolutely true Word, the Bible, before we can see our nation come back to sanity. Please, join me in praying for people to see this truth.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 7-10.
The problem emerged when we abandoned absolute truth and values, so that people began to think that they could decide what is right and what is wrong based on their understanding of reality. We threw out the Bible as God's Word. In fact, there are many people who say there are "no absolutes," which is an absurd statement for them to make absolutely. Now, there need not be any connection to reality for a person to believe something. It may be simply based on how they feel or what they like. Because of this, we hear people calling what God says is evil good and what God says is good evil. People who claim to be smart call darkness light and light darkness. They even say that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter. In other words, they have things exactly the opposite of reality, and they think that is fine.
If we can't solve this dilemma, we can't solve the problems of our country, because there is no way to get people to be unified in seeking a solution to our ills. That is why it will take a return to the Absolute God of the Bible and His absolutely true Word, the Bible, before we can see our nation come back to sanity. Please, join me in praying for people to see this truth.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 7-10.