Looking to the Lord Our God
God is not just God, and Jesus is not just the Savior. God is the Lord of all of the universe. That includes the entire God-head, Father, Son, and Spirit. Once we come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior, He is the Lord our God. We are His servants. The Christian life is living as servants of Jesus who is our Master. The psalmist knew this in His day, as well. (Psalm 123:2) We all need to comprehend this truth.
When we wake up in the morning, we look to the hand of our Master for our instructions for the day. Our purpose is to glorify Him by honoring Him with our service and worship. He is worthy! He is the Master. We are His slaves. The great thing about this relationship is that God is merciful to us. He only directs us to do things that will benefit us and His kingdom. All along the way, He shows us mercy, because He is a loving Master, too. There is no better life than to live in total obedience to Jesus.
There is no way for Jesus to be our Savior and not our Lord. He has always been the Lord of all. He became our Savior when He died for our sins and rose again. Therefore, when we trust Him, we trust Him as Lord, or we do not trust Him at all. (Luke 9:23; Romans 10:9,10) Salvation is becoming rightly related to the Lord of the universe by having our sins forgiven by His grace through our faith. Then, we live for Him every day for the rest of eternity.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 124-126.
When we wake up in the morning, we look to the hand of our Master for our instructions for the day. Our purpose is to glorify Him by honoring Him with our service and worship. He is worthy! He is the Master. We are His slaves. The great thing about this relationship is that God is merciful to us. He only directs us to do things that will benefit us and His kingdom. All along the way, He shows us mercy, because He is a loving Master, too. There is no better life than to live in total obedience to Jesus.
There is no way for Jesus to be our Savior and not our Lord. He has always been the Lord of all. He became our Savior when He died for our sins and rose again. Therefore, when we trust Him, we trust Him as Lord, or we do not trust Him at all. (Luke 9:23; Romans 10:9,10) Salvation is becoming rightly related to the Lord of the universe by having our sins forgiven by His grace through our faith. Then, we live for Him every day for the rest of eternity.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 124-126.