God Has Sent Redemption
The work of redemption had to be done by the Lord, because we are powerless to pay for our own sins. Therefore, God so loved us that He sent His Only-Begotten Son, Jesus, to pay for our sins with His blood. Then, the New Covenant was established by His blood sacrifice and resurrection. (Psalm 111:9) The psalmist realized this long before the coming of Jesus.
The word redemption means to "buy" or to "buy back." When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden, they were separated from God, and they belonged to Satan, the god of this world. The animal sacrifices of the Old Covenant only covered their sins, so God could forgive them totally at a later time. All of those sacrifices were pointing to the Ultimate Sacrifice of the sinless Lamb of God, Jesus. It was His death by the shedding of His blood on the cross that paid for our sins and bought us back from Satan once and for all. This redemption is sent down by God for those who will repent of their sins and trust Christ as Lord and Savior. Then, they enter the everlasting covenant with the Lord. He never breaks His covenants, so we know that we are secure in Christ once He has bought us and applied redemption to our lives..
His name is holy and awesome, because only God who is love, would go to such great lengths to redeem us from our sins. He is holy, so there had to be a full payment, and it had to be paid by God Himself. He is awesome, because it is simply amazing that He would love us that mush, but He does.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 112-114.
The word redemption means to "buy" or to "buy back." When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden, they were separated from God, and they belonged to Satan, the god of this world. The animal sacrifices of the Old Covenant only covered their sins, so God could forgive them totally at a later time. All of those sacrifices were pointing to the Ultimate Sacrifice of the sinless Lamb of God, Jesus. It was His death by the shedding of His blood on the cross that paid for our sins and bought us back from Satan once and for all. This redemption is sent down by God for those who will repent of their sins and trust Christ as Lord and Savior. Then, they enter the everlasting covenant with the Lord. He never breaks His covenants, so we know that we are secure in Christ once He has bought us and applied redemption to our lives..
His name is holy and awesome, because only God who is love, would go to such great lengths to redeem us from our sins. He is holy, so there had to be a full payment, and it had to be paid by God Himself. He is awesome, because it is simply amazing that He would love us that mush, but He does.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 112-114.