Fear that Turns to Great Delight
The Bible tells us many times to fear the Lord, but not to fear what people can do to us. I believe that most of us know that the fear of the Lord is not being afraid, but a fear born out of great respect for the power and judgment of God. However, what should come out of our fear for the Lord? It should not be that we simply keep His commands because we have to keep them. We should progress from just fearing God to the point where we greatly delight in His commandments. (Psalm 112:1) Then, we are truly blessed by God. Let me explain.
God looks at our hearts. He knows when we truly fear Him. He can tell when we sincerely honor Him as the Lord of all the universe. Then, He introduces us to His commandments, so that we can know His way for us to live and to prosper in the abundant life. He wants to see how our hearts will react to His commands. Will we do them out of duty, or will we greatly delight in doing the right thing, doing things God's way? He also sees if we do these things out of love for Him or out of obligation. It makes God smile to see us gladly embracing His commandments, so that we greatly delight in them.
Let me put it this way. What do you love to do? Make a list of things that you are excited about doing. Then, ask yourself, "Do I delight in the commandments of God, as much or more than I do in these things?" When we get to where doing the commandments of God bring us the greatest delights in our life, we will be where God will truly bless us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 115-117.
God looks at our hearts. He knows when we truly fear Him. He can tell when we sincerely honor Him as the Lord of all the universe. Then, He introduces us to His commandments, so that we can know His way for us to live and to prosper in the abundant life. He wants to see how our hearts will react to His commands. Will we do them out of duty, or will we greatly delight in doing the right thing, doing things God's way? He also sees if we do these things out of love for Him or out of obligation. It makes God smile to see us gladly embracing His commandments, so that we greatly delight in them.
Let me put it this way. What do you love to do? Make a list of things that you are excited about doing. Then, ask yourself, "Do I delight in the commandments of God, as much or more than I do in these things?" When we get to where doing the commandments of God bring us the greatest delights in our life, we will be where God will truly bless us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 115-117.