Inerrant and Eternal Truth
Adrian Rogers said, "The Bible is either absolute, or it is obsolete." There is no middle ground. I say that because the Bible clearly states it is entirely truth, and it is eternally true. (Psalm 119:160) I pray that this will sink in for all of us.
The Bible can't just be a good book from which we can pick and choose what we want to believe. It is either God's truth, or it is man's frail attempt to portray truth. Since people are fallible, that would make the Bible fallible. We would not know which parts are true and which parts aren't. However, like the psalmist said, "The entirety of Your Word is truth." God breathed it all into the writers, and it is all His truth. (II Timothy 3:16,17)
God's truth never passes away. Man cannot come up with anything that does away with God's truth. The Bible has proven this over and over. We can decide to disagree with the Bible, but in the end we will find that we were in error, not the Bible. All of God's judgments are righteous, because God is righteous and all-wise. Therefore, His righteous judgments endure forever.
Our perspective on life will change, and we will begin to make the right choices about everything in life, when we simply accept the Bible as God's Word and follow it, whether we understand it all or not. After all, we are not God, so we will never understand everything completely. He has been good enough to give us His Word, so we do not have to guess the right things to do.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 120-123.
The Bible can't just be a good book from which we can pick and choose what we want to believe. It is either God's truth, or it is man's frail attempt to portray truth. Since people are fallible, that would make the Bible fallible. We would not know which parts are true and which parts aren't. However, like the psalmist said, "The entirety of Your Word is truth." God breathed it all into the writers, and it is all His truth. (II Timothy 3:16,17)
God's truth never passes away. Man cannot come up with anything that does away with God's truth. The Bible has proven this over and over. We can decide to disagree with the Bible, but in the end we will find that we were in error, not the Bible. All of God's judgments are righteous, because God is righteous and all-wise. Therefore, His righteous judgments endure forever.
Our perspective on life will change, and we will begin to make the right choices about everything in life, when we simply accept the Bible as God's Word and follow it, whether we understand it all or not. After all, we are not God, so we will never understand everything completely. He has been good enough to give us His Word, so we do not have to guess the right things to do.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 120-123.