Spiritual Ambition
Believers ought to have more spiritual ambition for their lives than any other motivation in life. We ought to desire to be more like Jesus than anyone else, to be more holy than anyone else, and to be more filled with the Spirit than anyone else. Elisha was a great example of this, when he asked Elijah for a double portion of his spirit.(II Kings 2:9) Let's allow the Lord to teach us about this today.
If a great and powerful person asked you what they could do for you, what would you request? Many people would ask for money, a secular job, or an influential position. I am afraid that not many of us would ask for spiritual growth and ability to do God's will for His glory. This shows a total disconnect with reality. God and His kingdom should be the main priority in our lives. Pleasing Him and doing His will to the maximum should be our strongest ambition. Then, our lives can be a conduit of blessings to others, and we can have the satisfaction of seeing God work in us and through us. When all of life is over, and we look back over everything we have done, what else could possibly be as important as that? Therefore, I pray that we will have holy, spiritual ambition every day and in every way.
When Elisha received the double portion of Elijah's spirit, he proceeded to accomplish more miracles and ministry than his mentor, Elijah. The same can be true for us. Let's decide to be that one person who is fully sold out to God, full of the Spirit, and ready to do whatever God leads us to do. Then, let's do it each day and see what God does. After all, we have no control over anyone else or anything else in this world, except over ourselves and our beliefs and actions. May our spiritual ambition be to be the greatest Christian we can be for the glory of God and the up-building of His kingdom.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 4-6.
If a great and powerful person asked you what they could do for you, what would you request? Many people would ask for money, a secular job, or an influential position. I am afraid that not many of us would ask for spiritual growth and ability to do God's will for His glory. This shows a total disconnect with reality. God and His kingdom should be the main priority in our lives. Pleasing Him and doing His will to the maximum should be our strongest ambition. Then, our lives can be a conduit of blessings to others, and we can have the satisfaction of seeing God work in us and through us. When all of life is over, and we look back over everything we have done, what else could possibly be as important as that? Therefore, I pray that we will have holy, spiritual ambition every day and in every way.
When Elisha received the double portion of Elijah's spirit, he proceeded to accomplish more miracles and ministry than his mentor, Elijah. The same can be true for us. Let's decide to be that one person who is fully sold out to God, full of the Spirit, and ready to do whatever God leads us to do. Then, let's do it each day and see what God does. After all, we have no control over anyone else or anything else in this world, except over ourselves and our beliefs and actions. May our spiritual ambition be to be the greatest Christian we can be for the glory of God and the up-building of His kingdom.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 4-6.