By My Spirit Says The Lord
We all need reminders every once in a while, don't we? God gave Zechariah, the Prophet, and Zerubbabel, the governor of Judah, a reminder that benefits us all. (Zechariah 4:6) This excellent reminder came after the Lord showed Zechariah a vision of a golden lampstand that had two bowls, one on each side, and these bowls kept oil flowing to seven lamps on the same stand. Oil is a symbol of the Spirit in the Bible, so God was giving His Prophet a picture of what it takes to do His will. That picture is good for us, too.
We are all tempted to try to live by our own might and power, but that is not how God's will gets done. He always works through His Spirit. Our might, whether it is mental or physical might, is always limited, and it runs out. The power we have, whether it comes from money or our position in life is limited, as well. The Spirit has unlimited power just like the lamps on the stand, since they were constantly fed oil from the bowls. The Spirit can empower us to do whatever God desires for us to do, but we have to be filled with His Spirit by allowing the Spirit to direct and empower us. Then, God's power will flow into us and through us for His glory. It is the only way to live the abundant life.
I hope we will meditate on this verse and memorize it, so that we will not forget this reminder, and we will have the power of the Spirit working in us constantly.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Zechariah 7-9.
We are all tempted to try to live by our own might and power, but that is not how God's will gets done. He always works through His Spirit. Our might, whether it is mental or physical might, is always limited, and it runs out. The power we have, whether it comes from money or our position in life is limited, as well. The Spirit has unlimited power just like the lamps on the stand, since they were constantly fed oil from the bowls. The Spirit can empower us to do whatever God desires for us to do, but we have to be filled with His Spirit by allowing the Spirit to direct and empower us. Then, God's power will flow into us and through us for His glory. It is the only way to live the abundant life.
I hope we will meditate on this verse and memorize it, so that we will not forget this reminder, and we will have the power of the Spirit working in us constantly.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Zechariah 7-9.