His Way is Perfect

David went through a lot before becoming king after Saul's death. Once his enemies were defeated, he wrote a song and sang it to the Lord. The song contains one verse that is a summary of what David knew to be the truth.(II Samuel 22:31) We would all do well to hear David's conclusions.

David said, "As for God, His way is perfect." No one can improve on God's way, so if we would just submit to Him and follow His way, our lives would be all they could be. Unfortunately, we think we know how to add to God's way or what to leave out. That never works.

"The Word of the Lord is proven." David was not going by a theory. He had seen God's word come true time and again. It was tried in the fires of life and proven to be correct. We can count on God's Word to lead us in the right way every time. Don't doubt it.

"He is a shield to all who trust Him." Nothing can reach the child of God that He does not allow. I would say that is a shield, wouldn't you? He defends us and stands between us and anything that would hurt us. He allows what we can handle in His strength, so that we can grow stronger in our faith.

Let's sum it up. Follow His way. Live by His Word. Trust Him. There is no better way to live.

Tomorrow, I intend to read I Kings 1-3.

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